Is this yet another April Fools Day joke from Google? Someone from the International Space Station may be taking a look at your website right now!
If you log into Google Analytics and watch the Realtime Overview in the Standard Reports section, you may notice something very special.
Click on Image to Enlarge:
Don’t be fooled though. It’s yet another gag from Google.
Oh, but did you hear the sad news that Youtube is shutting down?!
OK, it’s not.
But hang on a cotton-pickin’ minute! Google have just announced powerful new technology about to be unleashed on your olfactory senses. Ever wanted to know what a ghost smells like?
OK, that’s an April Fools Day joke too. But don’t feel disappointed that the technology isn’t real. Perhaps a good old-fashioned treasure hunt will cheer you up?
Happy April Fools Day
The only day of the year where tech giants don’t want to be taken seriously.
Nice one Google.