A great way of getting your name or brand out into the public arena is by writing an eBook about your expertise.
Ebooks and blogs are like two star-crossed lovers, walking hand in hand along the shore, warm sand filtering through their naked toes, strolling along the beach and off into the orange sunset.
This little romance between blogs and eBooks doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone.
Writing an eBooks can be used as a comprehensive marketing brochure for business services, or as an introduction to your blog to be given away to new subscribers. Ebooks can of course be stories, novels and hit the bestseller lists of Amazon, earning you a nice paycheck.
Writing An eBook
Writing an eBook doesn’t have to be difficult even though it may seem a bit challenging at first.
But if you plan ahead, think about chapters and contents within an organized structure, you’ll make the writing process fly by quicker.
The following tips will help you write a well-received eBook of any form, whether it will be used as a giveaway, sold on Amazon or the beginning of your own version of The Hunger Games bestselling trilogy.
1. Have A Brainstorming Session
Before you start writing your eBook, you’d likely have a broad idea of the topic you want to cover. Get a comfortable chair or jump on the couch and brainstorm what you want to include in your eBook.
You might start with jotting down some titles for chapters. Write down all your ideas for chapters, and break each down into sub-chapters.
You might want to consider what topics will be covered within each chapter, or make each topic a chapter of itself.
When brainstorming about chapters, also write down what should *not* be included or left out for it’s own chapter or a whole new eBook. Why stop at one eBook if you can fill the pages of two!
It is important to try narrow down your major eBook topic as narrowly as possible. If a stranger asks you to describe what your eBook is about in just one word, what would that be?
Find your eBook niche and stick to it. Instead of writing a book about dogs, wouldn’t it be much better to focus on one aspect, perhaps dog training? Focusing your eBook’s topic will make it easier to market and sell.
2. Organize Your eBook
Pour over your brainstorming notes and collate all the good ideas onto a new piece of paper or page on your computer. You’ll need to get that mess of ideas into a neat and logical order.
Think about how a reader completely new to the topic would appreciate the eBook chapter layout. What chapter should be first? How should you conclude the eBook?
Each chapter should have a logical order. If your eBook discusses technical or how-to information, make sure all elements are explained before getting into the nitty-gritty.
This will help format your eBook into readable sections and serve as a table of contents that readers can easily navigate through.
Even with a how-to guide, approach your eBook writing as if you’re telling a story.
3. Write An Outline
Every book has a story to tell, even technical how-to guides. Each ebook must have a clear beginning, middle and an end.
Once you have divided your eBook into chapters, you can start with 10 bullet points you want to cover in each chapter.
Write an outline covering those bullet points and keep the outline organized in a logical order. You can write 100 to 500 words for each outline, which will help you get a very clear picture of the end result when it comes time to doing the hard yards.
Writing an outline before getting stuck right in to full writing mode is the most essential part of keeping yourself on track and having a finished, presentable eBook when you’re finished.
4. Write
Now that your have a clear outline and organized chapters of your eBook, you can focus on writing that specific topic. It may sound silly, but start writing from the start. Don’t write the conclusion first, or any middle sections. Your original outline is not set in stone and you’ll likely change it a bit as you go.
The outline keeps you focused and helps break down writing into manageable chunks. Take a break after completing each chapter.
Commit yourself to writing for 3 hours per day, or to writing one chapter per day. Having a writing calendar will help you stay on topic and stop you from burning out.
5. Edit, Re-Write
Editing your work is just as important as writing it in the first place. Some writer like to go over the chapter they’ve just completed and edit while it’s still fresh in their minds.
Other writers like to edit long after they’ve written the text to look upon it with fresh eyes. I tend to do both, but I admit it takes a fair bit more time. I could go over a single chapter 4 or 5 times before considering it ‘complete’.
Once you’ve written the entire eBook, you should back to the beginning and edit it fairly quickly. When editing:
- Insert extra headlines to help separate large chunks of text,
- Correct spelling and grammatical errors,
- Fix bad sentence structure,
- Cut down long sentences by splitting them into two or three,
- Cut down big paragraphs by re-writing them concisely,
- If something doesn’t make sense, re-write it,
- If you can’t explain something concisely, consider removing it entirely.
If you feel writing is becoming a burden, just put it aside for a while and come back to it later.
Writing an eBook should be fun and can be quite rewarding financially or just knowing you’re helping people.
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