How To Get More Email Subscribers The Stupidly Simple Way
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If you’re not collecting email subscribers to your blog in one way or another, you’re missing out on very real marketing opportunities.
Collecting email subscribers allows you to notify readers when you have posted a new article, thereby bringing a flood of visitors back to your website.
These repeat visitors not only click on your advertising, but also solidify loyalty to your brand name
Getting more email subscribers means you have more affiliate marketing opportunities to sell a product and earn a commission each time you do.
It’s very easy to see the benefits of having an ever increasing number of email subscribers to your blog, but the real problem is getting them
We looked at a case study from Nikki In Stitches who tested out two different forms for allowing visitors to subscribe to her newsletter.
It becomes clear very quickly that using a pop up lightbox is enormously beneficial to increasing subscriber numbers.
Sidebar Email Subscribers Form
In her trial, Nikki used a common form in the sidebar of her blog to collect subscribers. It is out of the way and unobtrusive to the visitor.
This form received 643 subscribers during the test period.
Lightbox Popup Email Subscribers Form
As a part of the same trial taking place over the same time period, Nikki also used a pop up lightbox to intrude the visitors view and ask directly for them to subscribe.
While this form may seem obnoxious, it worked exceptionally well!
This pop up form received 7473 subscribers during the same test period!
The pop up lightbox drove a 1375% more subscribers than the sidebar form. AMAZING.
It’s very clear from this case study that using a lightbox such as Popup Domination has an enormous benefit to increasing the number of subscribers to your blog.
If you are not collecting email subscribers yet, you should start immediately. Integrating email services like AWeber, iContact and MailChimp into your pop up form is simple enough with Popup Domination that works as a WordPress plugin.
Email Subscribers Form Placement And Frequency
It’s clear that the placement of your subscriber form has a big impact on the number of subscribers you will receive. A form higher on the page will do better than one lower down.
Using a pop up gives incredible results but can become annoying for frequent visitors to your blog.
Make sure to configure your pop up lightbox to only display X number of pages, or once every 48 hours (or more).
Other Lightbox Pop Up Uses
You don’t have to display only an email subscriber form in your pop up. How about including:
- Facebook page like button,
- Twitter follow button,
- Links to your top-rated blog posts,
- An introduction video
Do you have a pop up subscriber box on your blog?
Disclaimer: Links to 3rd party sites included within this article denoted with /go/ in the URL may result in commission being earned if you decide to make a purchase.
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Tags: email newslettersemail subscriberslightboxlightbox popuppopup lightbox
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